Miami The original Big 3, which consisted of Chris Bosh, D-Wade and the King himself, was able to produce 2 championships. Something that Cleveland’s new Small 3 will never be able to say. Kyrie is no where near the MVP-caliber player that D-Wade was and K Love has exposed the fact that he appeared to have much more talent than he actually did in Minnesota. Chris Bosh was taken for granted on Miami. It is now easy to see just how good Miami’s Big 3 was and whom ever thought the Cavs would be half as good was sadly mistaken. The instant chemistry that C. Bosh, D. Wade and LBJ were able to generate and use to win 2 championships is beyond rare. Kyrie The player that may suffer the most at the end is Kyrie Irving. This time last year he was the center of attention and the Cavs were making decisions based on his interests. Then LBJ returns and everything changes. How do you prove your worth when LBJ receives the credit for eve...