Shay Carl Appreciation: Fatherhood 101

One day after Shay Carl celebrates his 35th birthday, we have decided this was a good time to dedicate a post to him.  Thank you for teaching us, entertaining us and being yourself.

Is there a better father in the world than Shay Carl? One simple way to measure effective fatherhood is by simply asking a father how much time he spend at home.  Due to life's many stressors, many fathers attempt to avoid the additional 'headaches' at home.  After a long day at work, it can be difficult to arrive home where you have to balance more stress from the wife and kids.  Many fathers ask themselves: They expect me to work all day and then spend time with them when I get home?  Fathers around the world make the mistake of giving up by refusing to attempt to handle the problem.  They avoid spending valuable time with their children and kids ultimately devote more time to their video games.
Shay Carl's fatherhood is the blueprint to the solution to the nation's fatherhood problem.  Any father in the world that attempts to work from home proves that he truly loves his family.  Instead of giving up, he has strategized.  He understands the value of time yet he is also aware of the importance of wealth.  Shay Carl has mixed the two.  He has found a way to spend time with his family and make the money necessary to support his family.  Thank you for showing us what fatherhood is about Shay Carl.  Happy Belated Birthday.


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